Like A Sister: The Power of Female Friendships

Announcing the FIRST episode created with Her Best Interest at heart! This kickoff episode will center around female friendships, the support system found there, and what a force we are when we let each other in. 

With this topic, Cecylia and Alexandra delve into growing up in friendships, lessons learned, vulnerable moments, navigating friend heartbreak, and what accountability has looked like in their personal dynamics.

As a reminder, the first half relates to the selected topic in their own lives and will remain spoiler free. The second half of the episode is where the hosts bring the book forward to deepen the discussion. The book present with the conversation is A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas and the strong theme of female friendship found within the pages. Discover how one host found Nesta’s journey from cold to kind admirable while another host found it healing and relatable.

Featured Episode Topic: Female Friendships

Featured Episode Book: A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas

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